September 18, 2016

Classroom Reveal 2016

Wow I can't believe so much time has gone by and I haven't published this post yet. My classroom reveal is long overdue! This time of year is so exciting, getting back into your classroom after summer, seeing coworkers again, and meeting your new students. I can be a lot to take on, but it's also so much fun. I decided on a new theme in my classroom this year. I needed a change from the jungle/animal print theme I've been using the past few years. New grade, new theme!

Our campus chose a superhero theme for this school year. Which is funny because I had started thinking of changing my classroom theme after using the same one for a few years already. I was down to two themes: superhero or San Antonio Spurs. I really was leaning toward superhero since I knew the kids would love it, but I had also seen a few good ideas for a Spurs themed classroom, but then my campus announced superhero for our campus theme so my choice was made much easier. Now I didn't have a big budget to work with. My previous theme took a few years to build so I knew that I had to start small. Luckily TpT was a great place to start. There are lots of superhero freebies to use for decor or even lessons. Some of the clipart was just too cute. Target is also a great place to shop especially in the dollar spot. I found a cute chalkboard speech bubble which remind me of old comics. It would be the perfect photo prop. I found blue glittery boarder at Dollar General which reminded me of Spidey and Superman. I had a lot of red and yellow board. Pair that up with butcher paper and we have a cute bulletin border.

Furniture placement was also a big thing for me. I was going to have a much smaller class and I was going to have kindergartners. I needed to get rid of my desks and use tables and I wanted to make sure to have lots of room for being on the floor. I was also going to have a new aide and she asked if she could have her own table. With all the extra room, she could certainly have her own area. So I have my desk, my aide's desk and my small group instruction table and we don't feel cramped at all. I plaid around with the furniture a bit and found an arrangement that really seems to work. I've made a few changes on my bulletin boards in my room since I took these pictures but for the most part I've kept it the way I've originally set it up. So I'll finally quit yapping and show you my pictures already. I'm still waiting for my donors choose project for flexible seating to be funded so I'm hoping to have lots of flexible seating options in the near future.

I hope all of you have found classroom set up peace like I have so far this year. I'm really enjoying my time in kindergarten so far. Changing to a new grade level and working with a new aide were all big changes, but I felt like at this point in my career it was time for a change. I'm extremely glad I decided to take this leap! I want to wish all my teacher friends a great school year and I hope it's the Best School Year Ever!

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